Document Tools
View PDF
This tool helps to view pages of PDF:
- Each page is displayed as an image.
- Texts can be extracted from pages.
If PDF file only includes images, then no text can be extracted.
- Page can be converted as Html page.
If PDF file only includes images, then the html only includes images.
- OCR(Text Recognition) can be done against the converted image.
Notice, there are 2 types of PDF files:
- "Editable PDF" is composed of images and texts which can be updated and extracted as elements.
- "Scanned PDF" is composed of images, and only images can be updated and extracted.
Texts in images can not be changed and extracted, but can be recognized by OCR technique.
Edit Markdown
This tool helps to edit Markdown file(MD):
- Charset and Line Break are determined automatically when file is opened.
- If loaded incorrently, use "File-Format" to change charset and click button "OK".
- Corresponding html is converted(Read only).
- When pages number is larger than 1, modification should be saved before filter strings or locate line/object.
Edit Html
Edit html:
- Six formats: "html", "html code","tree", "rich text", "Markdown", "texts".
- Each format can change the html separately.
- Click button "Synchronize"(F10) to apply updates in current format to other formats.
- When save the html, contents in current format are picked, and synchronize to other formats automatically.
- Option to synchronize automatically when switch format.
- Select format and contents to display in menu "Pop".
- For format "html", option "editable" can be selected.
- When synchronize contents, each format may lose some specific contents in other formats.
Especially, format "texts" will discard most of html formats
Snap Html
To take the snapshot of page:
- Set the value of "loading retry delay" according to your network speed.
Some page is renderred in lazy way that page contents are loaded while scroll the screen.
- Check whether the size of window and font is suitable. Bigger window and font means better snaps.
- It is better to close the pop windows. Or else they will be snapped repeatedly.
This tool:
- Parse and handle JSON data, based on JACKSON.
- Load all data, so it is not suitable for JSON file which holds large amount of data.
- User can edit JSON in 2 modes:
- "Tree". Json Nodes can be added, modified, and deleted.
- "Texts"Json data can be changed and parsed in string.
- The mode in current tab is called as "current edit mode".
- Following buttons work for current edit mode:
- Click button "Synchronize"(F10) to apply updates in current edit mode to other modes.
- Click button "Save"(CTRL+S or ALT+S) to save updates in current edit mode and do "Synchronize" automatically.
- Click button "Menu"(F6) or right click edit area to pop context menu.
Composition of JSON:
- String: Set of unicode characters and enclosed by double quotes
- Constant: true/false/null
- Name: String
- Value: Number/String/Constant/Object/Array
- Field:
Name: Value
- Object:
{ Field1, Field2, ... }
- Array:
[ Value1, Value2, ... ]
Edit XML
This tool helps to edit XML
- Parse and handle XML data, based on DOM model of JDK.
- Load all data, so it is not suitable for XML file which holds large amount of data.
- User can edit XML in 2 modes:
- "Tree". XML Nodes can be added, modified, and deleted.
- "XML". XML data can be changed and parsed in texts.
- The mode in current tab is called as "current edit mode".
- Following buttons work for current edit mode:
- Click button "Synchronize"(F10) to apply updates in current edit mode to other modes.
- Click button "Save"(CTRL+S or ALT+S) to save updates in current edit mode and do "Synchronize" automatically.
- Click button "Menu"(F6) or right click edit area to pop context menu.
Edit Text
This tool helps to edit text file:
- Charset and Line Break are determined automatically when file is opened.
- If loaded incorrently, use "File-Format" to change charset and click button "OK".
- Texts are encoded with current character set and display in right pane. (Read only)
- When pages number is larger than 1, modification should be saved before filter strings or locate line/object.
- Each line break is counted as 1 character.
When BOM is detected in file, its charset is definiate
BOM(Byte Order Marks) is 2 or 3 bytes in head of the file for UTF-16 or UTF-32.
Some UTF-8 files have BOM written by some Windows programs which can confuse other platforms.
Find/Replace - Texts
About find/replace:
- "Find Next"/"Find Previous"/"Replace" are from current cursor.
- "Count"/"Replace All" are for whole document and from the first character.
- Find string and Replace string can be multiple lines.
- Each line break is counted as one character.
Due to limitation of algorithm, to find regular expression in pages,
assume maximum length of matched string is less than 1/16 of current JVM available memory.
Find/Replace - Bytes
About find/replace:
- "Find Next"/"Find Previous"/"Replace" are from current cursor.
- "Count"/"Replace All" are for whole document and from the first character.
- Find string and Replace string should be formatted hexadecimal characters, like the page.
That is, each byte is presented as 3 characters: 2 letters/numbers in upper case and 1 blank.
Due to limitation of algorithm, to find regular expression in pages,
assume maximum length of matched string is less than 1/16 of current JVM available memory.
Filter lines
Include One : a | b | c
Include All: a & b & c
Not Include Any: !( a | b | c) = !a & !b & !c
Not Include All : !(a & b & c) = !a | !b | !c
Find string in text files
Find string can be multiple lines.
Link breaks in Find string are handled as definition of file's line break.
Due to limitation of algorithm, to find regular expression in pages,
assume maximum length of matched string is less than 1/16 of current JVM available memory.
Replace string in text files
Find string and replace string can be multiple lines.
Link breaks in Find string and Replace string are handled as definition of file's line break.
Due to limitation of algorithm, to find regular expression in pages,
assume maximum length of matched string is less than 1/16 of current JVM available memory.
Convert Text To Html
Convert and paste texts in system clipboard:
- Replace all "&" as "&".
- Replace all "\"" as """.
- Replace all "<" as "<".
- Replace all ">" as ">".
- Replace all "©" as "©".
- Replace all "®" as "®".
- Replace all "™" as "™".
- Replace all blanks as " ".
- Append "
" in end of each line.
Find bytes in files
The Find string should be formatted hexadecimal characters.
That is, each byte is presented as 3 characters: 2 letters/numbers in upper case and 1 blank.
Due to limitation of algorithm, to find regular expression in pages,
assume maximum length of matched string is less than 1/16 of current JVM available memory.
Text in MyBox Clipboard
Double click item or click button "Paste" to paste into target
If "No duplication" is checked:
- New arrived text is checked whether same as an existed item.
If existed, no new item is added. The existed item is updated as new time.
- All existed items are not checked whether dulpicated.
View Word - Html/Text Mode
This tool helps to view Word file:
- File ".doc"(Word 97) is converted as html(Most of formats kept).
- File ".docx"(Word 2007) is converted as text(Formats lost).
Image Tools
Edit image
This tool helps to edit an image.
Image is handled in 24bit RGB or 32bit ARGB of Color Space "sRGB" even when it is changed as gray or black-white.
If need to change color space or compress image file, run "Save As"(F5 or CTRL+B or ALT+B).
Set "Load width" to view the image in limited pixels.
Edit SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics)
This tool helps to edit SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics):
- Parse and handle SVG data, based on Apache Batik.
- Load all data, so it is not suitable for SVG file which holds large amount of data.
- User can edit SVG in 2 modes:
- "Tree". SVG Nodes can be added, modified, and deleted.
- "XML". SVG data can be changed and parsed in texts.
- The mode in current tab is called as "current edit mode".
- Following buttons work for current edit mode:
- Click button "Synchronize"(F10) to apply updates in current edit mode to other modes.
- Click button "Save"(CTRL+S or ALT+S) to save updates in current edit mode and do "Synchronize" automatically.
- Click button "Menu"(F6) or right click edit area to pop context menu.
Known issue: MyBox may crash when the SVG data contains invalid format or contents.
Image quantization
Technique of reducing distinct colors in image is called "Color Quantization".
Different algorithms can be selected for different purposes:
- RGB Uniform is fastest and good enough for 256 colors quantization of most images.
- K-Means Clustering is good for calculating "most different" colors in image.
- Popularity is good for calculating "most occurred" colors in image.
The basical principle:
- Map colors from RGB(256*256*256) or HSB(360*100*100) to colors set of defined size(target palette).
- For algorithms K-Means Clustering and Popularity, there are twice quantizations actually.
Colors are preprocessed by algorithm RGB Uniform to produce smaller region, and then
calculation is run against this colors set.
- Since color has 3 dimensions, channels' weights can be balanced to get better mapping.
- "Dithering" is to optimize the result of Color Quantization.
- The strategies to pick colors for target palette:
- "center color" may adjust the quality of the result, but may generate new colors not in original image.
- "first color" only take original colors in original image.
Colors number of the result may be different from the expected value:
- When RGB/HSB Uniform makes the palette, the cube size may be larger than target size.
- When source image includes fewer colors, the result size may be less than target size.
Dithering is a technique to diffuse quantization error to avoid color banding.
It may improve image quality after color quantization(Reduce colors in palette).
Color matching
How to match colors:
1) When difference of two colors, that is called "Color Distance", is less than the threshold, the colors are "matched".
2) Multiple algorithms can be selected to calculate color distance. Some are more accurate while some are less costed.
3) Weights can be set for some algorithms. Notice whether they are positive or negative.
4) When compare an image pixel with colors list, their relationship is "OR",
which means result is TRUE when the pixel matches any color in the list.
Premultiplied alpha
Some image formats like png/tiff save pixels opacity in separated Alpha channel, called "Straight Alpha".
"Premultiplied Alpha" is that RGB channels are premultiplied by alpha value,
by which image formats like jpg/bmp without Alpha channel can make effect of pixels opacity too.
Premultiplied Alpha will change values of RGB channels and image can not be recovered
if the alpha value is missed later. So do not use it if the image should not be changed.
The color components of the destination image will contain either the small value or the big value.
For example, when the small value is 0 and the big value 255, after processed,
the red, green, and blue values of the pixels will be either 0 or 255.
Thus, the processed image can only contain the following colors:
black (red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0)
white (red = 255, green = 255, blue = 255)
red (red = 255, green = 0, blue = 0)
green (red = 0, green = 255, blue = 0)
blue (red = 0, green = 0, blue = 255)
yellow (red = 255, green = 255, blue = 0)
magenta (red = 255, green = 0, blue = 255)
cyan (red = 0, green = 255, blue = 255)
To change contrast of image:
- Object can be: Saturation, Brightness, or Gray.
- Algorithm can be:
- Histogram Equalization:
- Count histogram of object values: X-axis shows object values and Y-axis shows pixels number.
- Calcualte new object values as normal distribution.
- Replace object values as new ones.
- Histogram Stretching:
- Input parameters: "Pixels threshold" and "Percentage of pixels".
- Count histogram of object values: X-axis shows object values and Y-axis shows pixels number.
- Calcualte locations to truncate values in both left side and right side of X-axis. The condition is:
Pixels number(y) is less than the given threshold,
or cumulatied pixels(area) is less than the given percentage of total pixels.
- Replace object values:
- Set pixels truncated in left side as minimum value of the object.
- Set pixels truncated in right side as maximum value of the object.
- Set pixels untruncated in middle as normalized values based on truncate locations.
- Histogram Shifting:
- Input parameter: "Offset of object value".
- Count histogram of object values: X-axis shows object values and Y-axis shows pixels number.
- Calcualte new object values by offset.
- Replace object values as new ones.
- Transparent pixels are skipped: They are not involved in statistic and not changed.
Following affine transform can shear an image:
tx = x + rx * y
ty = x * ry + y
tx: value of x-axis of target image
ty: value of y-axis of target image
x: value of x-axis of original image
y: value of y-axis of original image
rx: shear ratio for x-axis
ry: shear ratio for y-axis
Notice, following values will map image(2D) to line(1D) and be invalid:
1) rx=1 ry=1
2) rx=-1 ry=-1
Repeat/Tile Image
This tool helps to make background/texture image:
- Select an image as the cell of repeating.
- Select the repeating type:
- Repeat the cell with horizontal number and vertical number.
- Tile the cell into width and height of canvas.
- Set interval between cells. Negative value may make effect of interleave.
- Set margins of target image.
Sample Image
This function reduces the pixels of an image:
- Resize and move the rectangle to define the region to pick.
- Set the width scale and the height scale against the selected region.
When an image file includes too many pixels and loaded as sampled image,
this function handles the original image in file instead of the loaded image in memory.
Split Image
This function separates an image as multiple parts.
When an image file includes too many pixels and loaded as sampled image,
this function handles the original image in file instead of the loaded image in memory.
Edit Images List
This tool is to edit images list:
- Add following:
- Animated gif file. All frames are added into list.
- Multiple-frames tif file. All frames are added into list.
- PDF file. All pages are converted as images and added into list.
- PPT file. All pages are converted as images and added into list.
- Image in system clipboard.
- Any supported image files.
- Move images to set their orders.
- Set durations of images, which work for playing list and animated gif file.
- Play the list. Select some images by CTRL/SELECT to play, or select none to play whole list.
- Save the list:
- Select some images by CTRL/SELECT to save, or select none to save whole list.
- Save each item as a supported image file.
- Merge items as one image.
- Merge items as a multiple-frames tif file.
- Merge items as an animated gif file.
- Merge items as a PDF file.
- Merge items as a PPT file.
Play Images List
This tool displays images frame by frame:
- Following types of file can be played:
- Animated gif file
- Multiple-frames tif file
- Each page of PPT/PDF is converted as an image frame to display.
- Set options:
- Frames range to display.
- Width of images to load.
- Dpi for images in PDF.
Character Recognition in Image
OCR engine:
- For win, both embedded and installed tesseract can be selected.
- For linux and mac, only installed tesseract can be used.
OCR data files path:
- Can be set as any path which can be read.
- If tesseract is installed, suggest to set as its subdirectory "tessdata".
- MyBox includes following data files and will copy them to this path if it has not them:
chi_sim.traineddata Simplified Chinese
chi_sim_vert.traineddata Simplified Chinese - vertical
chi_tra.traineddata Traditional Chinese
chi_tra_vert.traineddata Traditional Chinese - vertical
eng.traineddata English
equ.traineddata Math Equation
osd.traineddata Orientation and Script
Copying will fail if your account can not write the path.
And these files only work with tesseract version 4.* and version 5.*.
Notice: When use embedded engine, it is better that name of file/path is pure English to avoid failure.
The based OCR library itself includes preprocesses like binarization.
Sometime it is better to have orginal image recognized directly.
Extract alpha channel from image
Two files will be generated for each source file:
"xxxxx_alpha.png" which only holds alpha channel of original file in PNG format.
"xxxxx_noAlpha.yyy" which only holds RGB channels of original file in selected format.
Convert image to SVG
For large image, much CPU, memory, and time may be cost and large file may be generated.
Images in System Clipboard
When "Start" is clicked, the tool will monitor images in system clipboard and save/display them.
Images in system clipboard come from screenshots or pictures generated by softwares like operation "CTRL+c".
On Windows, shortcuts to make screenshots:
"PrintScreen" Make snapshot of full screen.
"Alt+PrintScreen" Make snapshot of current active window.
On Linux, shortcuts to make screenshots:
"Ctrl+PrintScreen" Make snapshot of full screen.
"Ctrl+Alt+PrintScreen" Make snapshot of current active window.
"Shift+Ctrl+PrintScreen" Make snapshot of selected area.
On Mac, shortcuts to make screenshots:
"Command+Control+Shift+3" Make snapshot of full screen.
"Command+Control+Shift+4" Make snapshot of selected area.
"Command+Control+Shift+4+Spacebar" Make snapshot of current active window.
Manage Colors
This tool is to manage colors and palettes:
- Same color can have different names and orders in different palettes.
- Name and order number of colors can be edited in the table.
- "Order number" is a float value and can have decimal.
Example, when assign 5.5 to a color, then it is inserted between the colors with numbers of 5 and 6.
- Drag-drop colors in palette can adjust their orders too.
- Click button "Trim order numbers in palette" to rewrite them in step "1.0f".
- Definitons of colors are saved in list of "All Colors" actually:
- When delete palette or delete colors from palette, the color definition is not deleted and is still in "All Colors".
- When delete a color in "All Colors", its definition is removed and it is deleted from all palettes.
- Same color can be in different palettes and can be duplicated in same palette.
- When import colors from a file:
- It should include column "rgba" or "rgb".
That is, the file can have only one column which should be either "rgba" or "rgb".
- The file can include column "name".
Draw Chromaticity Diagram
User can input/paste values or open file to load spectrum data.
User data will be validated, calculated and displayed in table automatically, as following rulers:
- File can include comments or be in some type of format.
- Following characters among data are ignored and skipped:
" , | { } [ ] \t '
- Each valid data item should be in same row and includes following 4 values in its front:
Wave-Length X Y Z
Other data in rows will be ignored. That is, only first 4 values in each row will be read)
- "Wave-Length" should be integer and unit is "nm". X/Y/Z are tristimulus values in double.
Example of a valid data row:
435 0.3285 0.01684 1.62296
- The data should be already adapted to CIE Illuminant D50.
Validated user data can be display in the Chromaticity Diagram, to compare with standard data.
Edit ICC profile
Decoding/encoding as ICC specification v4.3.
Only part of tags are decoded and can be edited.
Tags which are not decoded or not editable will keep their original values when save.
"Maximum items for each data to decode" can be set to avoid low performance when load many data.
Items beyond this limitation will be truncated when display.
Network Tools
Download Htmls
Following steps are suggested:
1) Set options.
2) Input or paste a web address.
3) The first level links in the web address will be listed for you to select and download.
4) Select useful links. Nonsense links can create unwanted files and disturb final path index.
5) If path index and merged PDF is required, it is important to make files named in correct order.
For selected links,
- Use function "Set subdirectory name" to make subdirectory's name reasonbale.
- Use functions "Set link name/title/address as file name" to make filenames meaningful.
- Use function "Add order number before filename" to help filenames ordered.
MyBox can order names like "xxx9", "xxx36", "xxx157" correctly.
6) Download the selected links. Monitor their status. Put failed links back in download queue.
To order the table rows:
1) Click column header for ascending order by this column.
2) Click column header again for descending order by this column.
3) Click column header for thrid time to cancel ordering of this column.
4) Press SHIFT and click more column headers to order by multiple columns.
Encode/Decode URL
This tool helps to convert a string from/to the application/x-www-form-urlencoded MIME format.
The following rules are applied for encoding:
- The alphanumeric characters "a" through "z", "A" through "Z" and "0" through "9" remain the same.
- The special characters ".", "-", "*", and "_" remain the same.
- The space character " " is converted into a plus sign "+".
- All other characters are unsafe and are first converted into one or more bytes using some encoding scheme.
Then each byte is represented by the 3-character string "%xy", where xy is the two-digit hexadecimal representation of the byte.
Decoding does reverse conversion.
Query DNS in batch
Steps to change DNS configuration:
- Query mapping between IPs and hosts.
- Edit system hosts file. Need administrator privileges.
- Flush DNS cache:
- On windows, run command:
ipconfig /flushdns
- On linux, run one of following commands:
/etc/init.d/nscd restart
systemctl restart nscd
- On mac, run one of following commands:
lookupd -flushcache
type dscacheutil -flushcache
sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
Snap Weibo
This tool is to snap pictures and contents of any acount in
- Webview need be initialized for this website, which starts when the tool is run at first time.
If you miss this step or the tool does not work, click left buton "SSL" to do this.
- About the address of a weibo account:
- It is the string before "?" in the address of weibo main page.
- How to get the address of weibo main page?
In web browser, visit someone's weibo address and click "Main page" in the page.
The address will be shown in browser's address input. Copy it here and delete string after "?" and "?".
- Notice, nick address is NOT the true address. Example "博物杂志" has its nick address
But its valid address is actual "".
Data Tools
- "Format" only works for display.
Values will not be formated automatically when data are edited.
- "To invalid value" only works for display and calculation.
Invalid values will not be handled automatically when data are edited.
Manage Data
This tool manages following objects:
- Data Files
- Record is created/updated when csv/excel/texts data file is opened by its editor.
- Data are saved in data file.
- Deleting record of data file will not delete data file itself.
- Data Clipboards
- Record is created when data is copied into MyBox Clipboad.
- Data are saved in file under MyBox internal path.
- Deleting record of data clipboards will delete its internal file.
- Matrices
- Records are maintained by Matrices Manager.
- Data are saved in MyBox database.
- Deleting record of matrix will delete data of this matrix.
- Data Tables
- Records are maintained by Data Tables Manager.
- Data are saved in MyBox database tables.
- Deleting record of data table will delete data of this data table.
Database Table
This tool is to manage and edit data tables in database:
- Names of tables and columns should satisfy "Limitations of SQL identifer".
- After database table is created:
- Definition of primary keys can not be changed and deleted.
- Definition of other columns can be added and deleted but can not be changed..
- Data are paginated. When pages number is larger than 1, changes should be saved before run some functions.
- To string values, multiple lines can be edited and saved:
- When the value is single line(not include line break):
- Text field is shown when click the data cell.
- Write "\n" as line break in the value and commit the change(return or click other place).
- When the value includes line breaks:
- Text area is shown when click the data cell.
- Write the text in multiple lines directly.
- Data can be queried by SQL.
SQL identifier
Limitations of SQL identifier:
- Maximum length is 128.
- "Ordinary identifier":
- Not surrounded by double quotation marks.
- Must begin with a letter.
- Contains only letters, underscore characters (_), and digits.
- Permits Unicode letters and digits.
- Can not be reserved words.
- It is converted as uppercase when saved in database.
- It is case-insensitive when referred in SQL statement.
Example, AbC is same as abc and aBC.
- "Delimited identifier":
- Surrounded by double quotation marks.
- Can contain any characters.
- It is saved as string inside the double quotations in database.
- It should be surrounded by double quotations when referred in SQL statement,
except for following: It only includes upper case letters and underscores.
Example, "AbC" is different from AbC or "ABC" while "ABC" is same as ABC and abc.
When MyBox create name of table/column: The name will be quoted if it includes invalid character.
XY chart
Draw XY charts as selected data:
- Select a column as "Category" to define data names.
- Select several columns as "Value" to define data numbers.
Different value series are shown in different colors or shapes.
- Bar Chart:
- Represents data size with bars' heights.
- "Category" column is always counted as strings.
- Line Chart:
- Represents data trend with lines connecting points.
- "Category" column can be counted as strings or numbers.
- Bubble Chart:
- Represents data size with circles of different radius:
- "Category Column" and "Value Column" define coordinates of data.
- Select several columns as "Size Columns" to defines data size.
- All columns should be numbers. Size columns should be non-negative.
- Scatter Chart:
- Represents data distribution with symbols.
- "Category" column can be counted as strings or numbers.
- Area Chart:
- Represents data size with area size.
- "Category" column is always counted as strings.
Pie chart
Draw pie chart as selected data:
- Select a column as "Category" to define data names.
- Select a column as "Value" to define data numbers:
- Data numbers are represented as percentages with a circle divided into segments.
- Value column should be non-negative.
Box-and-whisker chart
Box-whisker chart represents data distribution:
- Sort data according to column/row/all in ascending order.
- Following items can show aggregation and discreteness of data:
Minimum Q0 = in 0%(start) of the data list
Lower quartile Q1 = in 25% of the data list
Median Q2 = in 50%(middle) of the data list
Upper quartile Q3 = in 75% of the data list
Maximum Q4 = in 100%(end) of the data list
- Following values can be used to mark ourliers of data:
Lower extreme outlier line E1 = Q1 - 3 * ( Q3 - Q1 )
Lower mild outlier line E2 = Q1 - 1.5 * ( Q3 - Q1 )
Upper mild outlier line E3 = Q3 + 1.5 * ( Q3 - Q1 )
Upper extreme outlier line E4 = Q3 + 3 * ( Q3 - Q1 )
- Following values can be referred for discreteness:
Mean = avarage of the data list
- Values are calcuated by selected data.
Comparison bars chart
Comparison bars show difference between two series of data.
Bars are calculated by following rulers:
- If value is zero, no bar
- When compare as absoluate values:
maximum_value = maximum_absolute_value_of_value_columns
precentage = absolute_value / maximum_value
width = maximum_width * precentage
color = If value is larger than zero, color_of_column. If value is less than zero, inverted_color_of_column
- When compare as range of minimum and maximum:
maximum_value = maximum_value_of_value_columns
minimum_value = minimum_value_of_value_columns
precentage = (value - minimum_value) / (maximum_value - minimum_value)
width = maximum_width * precentage
color = color_of_column
Self comparison bars chart
Self comparison bars show difference between data and reference values.
Bars are calculated by following rulers:
- If value is zero, no bar
- When compare as absoluate values:
maximum_value = maximum_absolute_value_of_column/row/all
precentage = absolute_value / maximum_value
width = maximum_width * precentage
color = If value is larger than zero, color_of_column. If value is less than zero, inverted_color_of_column
- When compare as range of minimum and maximum:
maximum_value = maximum_value_of_column/row/all
minimum_value = minimum_value_of_column/row/all
precentage = (value - minimum_value) / (maximum_value - minimum_value)
width = maximum_width * precentage
color = color_of_column
XYZ chart
Notice: A html file will be generated to display the chart.
Pleas make sure your system web browser supports WebGL and does not limit local JavaScript files.
Set Styles / Mark Abnormal Values
Manage the list of data styles:
- Add/Edit/Delete styles.
- Define conditions to determine which data cells to apply the style:
- Range of data rows
- Column names
- Row filter
Notice, data of a row number may be changed when some rows are added or deleted.
Example, when insert 2 rows before "row 6", original "row 12" becomes "row 14" while current "row 12" was "row 10".
So "row number" is not right way to locate a specific data row while rows number is changing.
A way to refer sepcial rows is the expression composed of column values.
- Define values of the style:
- Font size, colors, bold, etc.
- More values in format of JavaFx CSS.
- Define title and sequence number of the style.
- Set whether the style marks abnormal values.
- All styles are applied to the data one by one in order of their sequence number.
Simple linear regression
This tool helps to generate data of simple linear regression based on Apache Commons Math:
- Select two column as independent variable and dependent variable.
- The regression does not store data, so calculation itself has not memory limitation when handle lots of rows.
- When handle all pages:
- If select "Display all data in chart", memory may be out when load many data for chart.
- Else, only data in current page will be displayed in chart while all pages are involved in regression, so there is no memory limitation.
- With the linear model, predicted value can be calculated.
- Points and lines of fitted values can be shown/hidden in the chart.
Simple linear regression - Combination
This tool helps to generate data of simple linear regression:
- Select some columns as candidates of independent variables.
- Select some columns as candidates of dependent variables.
- Select options like decimal scale, alpha, whether include intercept.
- When click button "OK", the tool does following:
- Make pairs from candidates : one as independent variable and another as dependent variable.
- Calculate the regression models.
- Sort the modes by their coefficient of determination(R-Square) in descending order.
- Select one model and click button "View" to view its regression data, fitting chart, and residual chart.
Multiple linear regression
This tool helps to generate data of multiple linear regression based on Apache Commons Math:
- Select some column as independent variables, whose data should be numbers.
- Select a column as dependent variable, whose data should be numbers.
- Select whether include intercept.
- Click button "OK":
- Tool normalizes involved data by Z-Score.
- Tool calculates multiple linear regression by Ordinary Least Squares(OLS).
- Results include intercept, coefficients, R-Square, adjusted R-Square.
- User can input values of independent variables and predict value of dependent variable.
Multilpe linear regression - Combination
This tool helps to generate data of multiple linear regression:
- Select some columns as candidates of independent variables.
- Select some columns as candidates of dependent variables.
- Select whether include intercept.
- When click button "OK", the tool does following:
- Make combination of candidates as independent variables and dependent variable .
- Calculate the regression models.
- Sort the modes by their adjusted coefficient of determination(R-Square) in descending order.
- Select one model and click button "View" to view its regression data.
A = a11 a12
a21 a21
B = b11 b12
b21 b21
Matrix Plus =
a11+b11 a12+b12
a21+b21 a21+b21
Requirement: A and B should have same rows number and columns number
A = a11 a12
a21 a21
B = b11 b12
b21 b21
Matrix Plus =
a11-b11 a12-b12
a21-b21 a21-b21
Requirement: A and B should have same rows number and columns number
A = a11 a12 a13
a21 a21 a23
B = b11 b12
b21 b21
b31 b31
Matrix Multiply =
a11*b11+a12*b21+a13*b31 a11*b12+a12*b22+a13*b32
a21*b11+a22*b21+a23*b31 a21*b12+a22*b22+a23*b32
Requirement: columns number of A equals to rows number of B
Hadamard product
A = a11 a12
a21 a21
B = b11 b12
b21 b21
Hadamard Product =
a11*b11 a12*b12
a21*b21 a21*b21
Requirement: A and B should have same rows number and columns number
Kronecker product
A = a11 a12
a21 a21
B = b11 b12
b21 b21
Kronecker Product =
a11*b11 a11*b12 a12*b11 a12*b12
a11*b21 a11*b21 a12*b21 a12*b21
a21*b11 a21*b12 a22*b11 a22*b12
a21*b21 a21*b21 a22*b21 a22*b21
Vertical merge
A = a11 a12
a21 a21
B = b11 b12
b21 b21
Vertical Merge =
a11 a12
a21 a21
b11 b12
b21 b21
Requirement: A and B should have same columns number
Horizontal merge
Horizontal merge
A = a11 a12
a21 a21
B = b11 b12
b21 b21
Horizontal Merge =
a11 a12 b11 b12
a21 a21 b21 b21
Requirement: A and B should have same rows number
This tool helps to manage and run codes in JavaScript:
- Edit codes in JavaScript.
The script can include any valid elments which WebEngine can parse(ECMAScript 6).
- Run the script.
Its results are displayed in right pane. And it affects the web page in right pane too.
- Save the script as a node in the codes tree of left pane.
JShell(Java interactive coding tool)
JShell is one of tools in JDK:
- JShell provides capability to interactively evaluate "snippets", as Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL).
- "Snippet" is a single expression, statement, or declaration of Java programming language code:
- Semicolons should be in the end of statement while expression need not it.
- Variables and methods can be defined and called later.
- Extrenal Java classes should be accessible:
- JShell picks "CLASSPATH" of system environment.
- Other jar files or paths can be appended to "CLASSPATH".
- Except for base classes, most of Java classes should be imported before call them.
- JShell can be used for scientific computation and Java codes debug.
This tool helps to run JShell in GUI:
- Input several snippets and click button "Start" to run them:
- Snippets are evaluated one by one.
- Results of snippets will affect later snippets, like "an execution environment".
- Attributes of all evaluated snippets will be shown in a table.
- Click button "Delete" or "Clear" to drop some or all snippets from current environment.
- Click button "Reset" to empty JShell and environment becomes blank.
- Press "CTRL+1" to pop list of code completion suggestions.
- If added MyBox class paths, all methods of MyBox can be referred.
JEXL(Java Expression Language)
JEXL(Java Expression Language) is a library to generate values dynamically with variables and scripts.
- JEXL has different syntax from Java. It is more like javascript.
- Before run expression/script, all variables in it should have values held by JexlContext.
- Refer to Java classes by creating their instances as local variables. Full package name is required.
- JEXL can be used for scientific computation and data manufacture.
This tool helps to run JEXL in GUI:
- Input JEXL expression/script.
Notice: Use single quotes instead of double quotes to surround strings.
- Input Java codes of setting JexlContext like following:
jexlContext.set("name", value);
Example, set following to use Math.PI in expression/script:
jexlContext.set("Math", Math.class);
- Input parameters of JEXL script if any. Separate values by comma.
- Click button "Start" to evaluate the expression/script.
- MyBox does following in JShell enrionment automatically:
- Add MyBox library paths to CLASSPATH.
- Import necessary JEXL packages.
- Execute codes of JexlContext.
- Calculate expression/script with parameters(if any).
- If all variables and paramters have valid values, result is shown in right pane.
Math Function
This tool helps to manage and calculate math functions:
- Define math function:
- Give name of the function.
- List names of variables of the function, separated by English comma.
The names should satisfy rules of JavaScript:
- Can include letters, number, underline, and unicodes(like Chinese).
- Not start with number.
- Define function expression as a piece of codes in JavaScript:
- The script can include any valid elments which Nashorn can parse(ECMAScript 5.1).
- It should be a number finally.
- It can refer to the given variables, but should not declare them.
- Define domain of the function as a piece of codes in JavaScript:
- Blank means the domain is all of real numbers.
- The script can include any valid elments which Nashorn can parse(ECMAScript 5.1).
- It should be a boolean value(true or false) finally.
- It can refer to the given variables, but should not declare them.
- When the tool calculates a script, it maps variable names to variable values before the evaluation.
- If script of domain is not blank, values of variables are mapped and the result is checked:
If true, continue to calculate the script of function expression. Else this set of values is skipped.
- With defined range, interval, and decimal scale, data set of the function can be generated.
- To unary function, XY chart, including scatter chart and line chart, can be displayed.
- To binary function, XYZ chart, including 3D scatter chart and surface chart, can be displayed.
Map options
Coordinates of GCJ-02 are encrypted as offsets of real locations.
Coordinates of CGCS2000 are real locations and approximate to WGS-84(GPS).
Map of TianDiTu accepts coordinates of CGCS2000 and display them at correct locations without offsets.
When display coordinates other than CGCS2000 in map of TianDiTu, MyBox converts them to CGCS2000 to show correct locations.
Map of GaoDe accepts coordinates of GCJ-02 and display them at correct locations without offsets.
When display coordinates other than GCJ-02 in map of GaoDe, MyBox converts them to GCJ-02 to show correct locations.
Convert coordinate
Coordinates of CGCS2000 are real locations and approximate to WGS-84(GPS).
Coordinates of GCJ-02 are encrypted data with offsets of real locations.
Coordinates of BD-09 and MapBar are encrypted data with offsets based on GCJ-02.
Media Tools
Play Video/Audio
The media player is based on javafx:
- Supported container types:
- Supported encoding types:
AAC, MP3, PCM, H.264/AVC, H.265/HEVC
- Supported protocals:
This function is avaliable when FFmpeg has been installed in your env.
FFmpeg options
This function is avaliable when FFmpeg has been installed in your env.
Most of players support: muxer "mp4", video codec "H.264", audio codec "AAC".
Notice: "CRF" and "Encoding Preset" only works for x264, x265 and libvpx.
When function fails, change options and try it again:
- Select supported and better video encoder and audio encoder as your hardwares:
- When NVIDIA is available, chooce "h264_nvenc" as video encoder, to make use of hardware acceleartion.
- Generally, "VideoToolBox" works as video encoder on mac.
- Select options to get suitable settings of your computer, as following factors :
- The encoder should be fast enough to record without frames dropping.
- Consume limited system resources, and leave enough CPU and memory for other applications.
- Quality and size of the generated file are tolerable.
- Old versions of ffmpeg may be nicer to old computers. On my desktop:
- ffmpeg of 2019 works smoothly,
- ffmpeg of 2023 does not accept setting of 'h264_nvenc' and always makes system blocked or dead.
-ss 0:1:30 set the start time offset
-sseof 0:5:00 set the start time offset relative to EOF
-to 0:10:15 record or transcode stop time
-t 0:0:20 record or transcode "duration" seconds of audio/video
-aq quality set audio quality (codec-specific)
-ac 2 set audio channels: 1 for mono, 2 for stereo
-title string
-author string
-copyright string
FFmpeg: Screen Recorder
- When have not NVIDIA and CPU is not so powerful,
- Choose "libx264rgb" as video encoder, to bypass conversion from RGB to yuv444p.
- Select quicker encoding preset.
- After recording, use conversion tool to change generated video from RGB to yuv444p with encoder "libx264".
- When no audio input device is detected, check whether it is disabled.(Windows does this by default)
Delay: When button "Start" is clicked, recording will start after this time length.
Duration: Recording will end when time length is reached since starting.
User can interrupt recording at once by click button "Stop".
When "Meow" is checked:
MeBenBen will miaow to tell you recording is started.
GuaiGuai will miaow to tell you recording is ended.
Factor for constant quality mode(CRF)
The Constant Rate Factor (CRF) is the default quality (and rate control) setting for the x264, x265, and libvpx encoders.
Lower values would result in better quality, at the expense of higher file sizes. Zero means lossless and big file.
Higher values mean more compression and quality degradation.
For x264, sane values are between 18 and 28. The default is 23. 17 or 18 can be visually lossless or nearly so.
For x265, the default CRF is 28.
For libvpx, 31 is recommended for 1080p HD video.
A preset is a collection of options that will provide a certain encoding speed to compression ratio.
Slower preset provides better quality and occupies more CPU.
Quicker preset means worse quality and less CPU occupation.
Game: Elimniation
If more than 3 same chesses are adjacented in vertival/horizantal line, then the line can be eliminated.
When a chess is eliminated, the chesses above it will move down, and top location will be filled with random chess.
Click 2 adjacent chesses separately to try to exchange their location. If no elimination after exchange, exchange fails.
Button "Help me" will find a valid exchange for you if any.
Game: Mine
Target: Disclose all cells which are not mines. Game fails once a mine is opened.
1) When game is started, all cells are in status "closed".
2) Start timing when click a cell at first time.
3) Count: Opened cells number / Total number of cells which are not mines.
4) When left-click a cell, nothing happens when it is "disclosed", or else:
- If it is a mine, then game fails.
- If it is not a mine, then it is opened and its status becomes "disclosed".
- If there are mines around this cell, then the number of mines around it is shown in the cell.
- If there is no mine around this cell, then it is shown as blank and all cells around it will be disclosed. Continue this process.
5) When right-click a cell, nothing happens when it is "disclosed", or else:
- If this cell is not marked, then mark it as "Mine".
- If this cell is marked as "Mine", then change its mark as "Suspected".
- If this cell is marked as "Suspected", then remove its mark.
- Right-clicking only marks the cell, and will not trigger mine nor disclose the cell.
6) When double-click a cell:
- If the cell is in status "closed", then disclose it.
- Disclose all cells which are not marked as "Mine" around this cell.
- Do this only when you are sure all mines are marked correctly around this cell.
7)When you are unlucky to trigger a mine:
- Click button "Undo", to pretend that did not happen and continue the timing and counting.
- Click button "Replay", to restart the same game.
- Click button "New Game" to start a different game.
8)Click button "Help me" to see all mines secretly, and click button "Undo" to continue playing.
Select some to handle, or select none to handle all in table:
- To select rows:
- Press key SHIFT and click rows to select multiple rows of a range.
- Press key CTRL and click rows to select multiple rows one by one.
- Click the checkboxs in head of rows.
- To edit data:
- Header texts of editable columns are in blue (Editable primary keys are still in red).
- Click the editable cell, then its input field will be shown.
- When editable cell loses focus, its value will be checked and invalid data will be rejected.
- To display/hide columns, click button "+" in right side of table header.
This operation does not affect data.
- To adjust order of columns, click and drag column headers.
This operation does not affect data.
- To order rows:
- Click column header for ascending order by this column.
- Click column header again for descending order by this column.
- Click column header for thrid time to cancel ordering of this column.
- Press SHIFT and click more column headers to order by multiple columns.
This operation only affect current data in table.
- Header texts of primary keys are in red and auto-increated keys are in orange.
The frames can be displayed one by one:
- If select "delay", after current frame is completed, wait for the defined time, then start next frame.
- If select "interval", after current frame is started, wait for the defined time, then start next frame.
- When frames are more than scroll size, they are displayed scrollingly in the selector.
- Input frame number(need not input full label) to jump to it.
Manage Languages
This tool helps to manage customized languages of MyBox:
- Click button "Add" to create a new language.
- Edit translation of language items.
- Select a row in the tables.
- Click the cell in the row:
- If its English contains line breaks, then pop text editor to help input multiple lines.
- If its English is single line, then display a text field to help fill line directly.
- Keep item empty to use Chinese or English as default.
- Right click the cell to select "Copy English" or "Copy Chinese".
- Click button "Save" to save modification.
MyBox Shortcuts and Icons
Controls in interfaces, like buttons, checkboxs, images, may have their shortcuts:
- When focus is in "Text Input" control, following keys work for this control:
Or else shortcuts work for the interface.
- Move mouse upon control, its tooltip(if has) including shortcut may be popped.
- When focus is not in "Text Input" control, Ctrl/Alt of combination keys can be omitted:
Example, if an image is currently foused, press "c" to copy and press "2" to set as pane size.
- Option to disable omission of Ctrl/Alt in shortcuts.(To avoid misoperations)
- Always disable omission of Ctrl/Alt in shortcuts of following buttons: Save, Delete, Clear. (To avoid accidents)
- On mac, key "Ctrl" is replaced as key "Command".
Child window
Select this option to make the pane as child window.
Unselect this option to make the pane as pop window.
Take effect when open this pane next time.
Child window: can be moved and resized.
Pop window: can be closed automatically when click outside the object.
Clear Expired Data
Expired data are following:
- Unuseful temporary files
- Internal data refer to some files, but the files are not existed.
Then the internal data should be deleted.
- Internal data refer to some internal files, but the data are not existed.
Then the internal files should be deleted.
- Unuseful temporary database tables
While clearing the expired data, do not read/write files/data by MyBox functions.