Detailed testing

Test environmentVersionTypeObjectTitleStepsStatusModify timeDescription
winMyBox v6.8.3InvalidManufacture Datarow expression - invalid values and operators1. Use function of 'Set Values' to check caluculation of row experssion 2. To 'String' column, input null value and use operator: + - * / 3. To 'Integer' column, input null value and use operator: + - * / 4. To 'Double' column, input null value and use operator: + - * /pass2025-01-24 10:10:21
winMyBox v6.8.3FunctionManufacture Datarow expression - column types and operators1. Use function of 'Set Values' to check caluculation of row experssion 2. To 'String' column, input valid value and use operator: + - * / 3. To 'Integer' column, input valid value and use operator: + - * / 4. To 'Double' column, input valid value and use operator: + - * /pass2025-01-24 10:10:21
winMyBox v6.8.3FunctionManufacture DataEnumerated Short1. Open a CSV file 2. Add column with type of Enumerated Short 3. Add rows and select values of Enumerated Short 4. Save new column and rows 5. Values of Enumerated Short can be edited/saved/displayed/exported correctlypass2025-01-24 10:10:21
winMyBox v6.8.3FunctionManufacture Imageread/write WebP file1. Open WebP and save it as other formats 2. Read jpg/png file and save it as WebP filepass2025-01-24 10:10:21
winMyBox v6.8.3FunctionManufacture DataSet Values - row expression1. To current page of csv file, use function 'Set Values', input valid row expression, and execute 2. To all data of csv file, use function 'Set Values', input valid row expression, and execute 3. To current page of database table, use function 'Set Values', input valid row expression, and execute 4. To all data of database table, use function 'Set Values', input valid row expression, and executepass2025-01-24 10:10:21
winMyBox v6.8.3InvalidManufacture DataSet Values - row expression1. To current page of csv file, use function 'Set Values', input invalid row expression, and execute 2. To all data of csv file, use function 'Set Values', input invalid row expression, and execute 3. To current page of database table, use function 'Set Values', input invalid row expression, and execute 4. To all data of database table, use function 'Set Values', input invalid row expression, and executepass2025-01-24 10:10:16
winMyBox v6.8.3FunctionGeography Codepredefined geography codes1. Set data path of v6.8.3 as new path, then start v6.8.3 2. Import predefined geography codes 3. Geography codes should be displayed in the tree correctly 4. Geography codes should be displayed in map correctly 5. Geography codes can be edited and saved correctly 6. Other functions of the tree work correctly 7. Geography codes can be handled as internal table correctlypass2025-01-24 10:03:32
winMyBox v6.8.3兼容性Geography CodeUpgrade from v6.81. View geography codes in v6.8 2. Set data path of v6.8.3 as the data path of v6.8, then start v6.8.3 3. View geography codes in v6.8.3 4. Geography codes of v6.8 should be displayed in the tree of v6.8.3 correctly 5. Geography codes of v6.8 should be displayed in map of v6.8.3 correctly 6. Geography codes can be edited and saved correctly 7. Other functions of the tree work correctly 8. Geography codes can be handled as internal table correctlypass2025-01-24 09:54:33
winMyBox v6.8.1FunctionManufacture Dataswitch mode - null - permit1.html to table 2.table to html 3.html to csv 4.csv to texts 5.texts to htmlpass2024-5-18
winMyBox v6.8.1InvalidManufacture Dataswitch mode - null - not permit1.html to table 2.table to html 3.html to csv 4.csv to texts 5.texts to htmlpass2024-5-18
winMyBox v6.8.1InvalidManufacture Dataswitch mode - invalid values1.html to table 2.table to html 3.html to csv 4.csv to texts 5.texts to htmlpass2024-5-18
winMyBox v6.8.1interfaceManufacture Dataswitch mode - interfaces1.shortcuts 3.layouts 4.responses 5.menuspass2024-5-18
winMyBox v6.8.1FunctionManufacture Datamodify data - temporary data1.add/delete/change rows 2.move rows 3.clear rowspass2024-5-18
winMyBox v6.8.1FunctionManufacture Datamodify data - one page1.add/delete/change rows 2.move rows 3.clear rowspass2024-5-18
winMyBox v6.8.1FunctionManufacture Datamodify data - multiple pages1.add/delete/change rows 2.move rows 3.clear rowspass2024-5-18
winMyBox v6.8.1interfaceManufacture Datainterfaces1.shortcuts 3.layouts 4.responses 5.menuspass2024-5-18
winMyBox v6.8.1FunctionManufacture Datadefine data - add/delete/change columns1.all types 2.all formats 3.invalidpass2024-5-18
winMyBox v6.8.1FunctionManufacture Datadefine data - move columnspass2024-5-18
winMyBox v6.8.1InvalidManufacture Datadefine data - clear columnspass2024-5-18
winMyBox v6.8.1FunctionManufacture Datadefine data - modify attributes - temporary datapass2024-5-18
winMyBox v6.8.1FunctionManufacture Datadefine data - modify attributes - save datapass2024-5-18
winMyBox v6.8.1FunctionManufacture Datadefine data - modify attributes - cancel datapass2024-5-18
winMyBox v6.8.1FunctionManufacture Datadefine data - modify attributes - one pagepass2024-5-18
winMyBox v6.8.1FunctionManufacture Datadefine data - modify attributes - multiple pagespass2024-5-18
winMyBox v6.8.1interfaceManufacture Datadefine data - interfaces1.shortcuts 3.layouts 4.responses 5.menuspass2024-5-18
winMyBox v6.8.1FunctionManufacture Datasave data - temporary 2.cancelpass2024-5-18
winMyBox v6.8.1FunctionManufacture Datasave data - one 2.cancelpass2024-5-18
winMyBox v6.8.1FunctionManufacture Datasave data - multiple 2.cancelpass2024-5-18
winMyBox v6.8.1FunctionManufacture Datasave as - source data typesCSV/Excel/texts/database table/clipboard/matrixpass2024-5-18
winMyBox v6.8.1FunctionManufacture Datasave as - target formatsCSV/Excel/texts/database table/MyBox clipboard/matrix/System clipboard/JSON/XML/HTML/PDFpass2024-5-18
winMyBox v6.8.1FunctionManufacture Datasave as - data status1.temporary data page 3.multiple pagespass2024-5-18
winMyBox v6.8.1interfaceManufacture Datasave as - interfaces1.shortcuts 3.layouts 4.responses 5.menuspass2024-5-18
Test environmentVersionTypeObjectTitleStepsStatusModify timeDescription